Grab your binoculars and get acquainted with the wildlife in Stenton's trees with In Color Birding Club at 10 AM. We will be meeting at the Stenton Museum at 4601 N 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140. This event is being hosted by the Stenton Museum as part of the Second Saturdays in Historic Germantown. Please RSVP here.
ICB will provide binoculars for those who need them. We also will have multiple bird guides to help folks get onto the birds as best possible.
As a reminder, ICB supports access to birding for EVERYONE. As such, we expect all attendees to respect the space and representation of underrepresented communities in birding. This includes Black and brown communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, various religious communities, and communities that speak english as a second language.
For accessibility needs and/or questions around other amenities possibly available, please email