Have you been cooped up all Winter? Would you enjoy a Spring hike to view some arriving songbirds and some migrating raptors? Do you enjoy being around welcoming, accepting, and joyful birders?
Then come on out and join us for a Spring outing at Hawk Mountain. ICBC will be offering up to 20 seats on a coach bus traveling from Philly up to Hawk Mountain. We will also be covering the cost of admission for those traveling with us or even those driving up themselves.
We suggest wearing comfortable shoes that can get a little dirty and light layers as it may start to get a little warm by then. The trail is a dirt/gravel trail to start and then moves into some good inclines and even a couple sets of stairs. This is a hike that will get your legs a workout but we do not expect to carry a brisk pace. This is still birding after all. There will be restrooms at the beginning and end of the hike at the visitors center. ICBC will provide some water and snacks/lunch as we will be resting and spending some time enjoying the view from the hawk watch lookout. For those not looking to hike all the way to the top, there is an earlier lookout where we will have bird guides to enjoy a nice sit and view. This earlier lookout is accessed via the same gentle incline but does not include the steeper steps and incline hike up to the top.