Help us reach and connect with more Brown and Black birders.
Support comes in many forms, and we appreciate them all. It’s the generosity of people like you that help organizations like ours thrive and grow.
Your ongoing support ensures that we can continue to curate meaningful outdoor experiences for Black and Brown birders (and our allies) within our communities.
Just choose your donation level ($5, $10, $20, or other) and your recurrence (one time or monthly).
Every dollar makes a difference. Your gift helps us provide valuable experiences, supplies, and resources to BIPOC birders and their allies.
If you have used binoculars, scopes, cameras or anything we can get in the hands of new birders to help enhance and empower their experience. Send us a note and we can schedule a pick up or plan to reimburse you for shipping them to us.
You help make our events, outings, and programs possible.